
I'm hiding from homework, so here I am.

I took last week off work to get the house cleaned for Thanksgiving - since everyone was coming to my house I figured I didn't need to let them see just how big a slob I am. During school there's very little cleaning done, so let's just say it was a really big job. Still didn't get our bedrooms done, but that's okay; I'll get to them soon. This was heading somewhere....oh, yeah, I really didn't want to go back to work today. Don't get me wrong, I still love my job and the people I work with, but I sure would love to be able to stay at home and work in my yard, do some things around the house and just enjoy my days. Sound like I'm ready for retirement? Oh yeah!! I only have 23 years until I can draw Medicare..*waaaah*. While it's true that I have 11.5 years at the university, I don't see me being able to retire at 20 years. Good thing I love my job *sigh*.

So Thanksgiving went well, no family battles - that's always a good thing. My kiddo was with the Toad, though, and I missed him like crazy. But he came home Thursday night and we spent Friday putting up the Christmas tree and singing Christmas songs. I still need to get the rest of the house decorated - guess I'll get to it this weekend, in between homework and making a Santa suit for a play on the 8th. He'll be singing his first solo; when he volunteered for the part he didn't know there was a solo involved, and although he's nervous, he's gathering up his courage and I think he'll be fine.

I am quite ready to be finished with class for this term. I'm taking a Human Resource Mgmt course and, although I don't find it quite as interesting as my writing course, the part I hate the most is the 7 interviews we have to conduct. I have 2 completed, 2 scheduled and am awaiting a response from 3 more. Then we have to compile them all into a final project, details of which I don't have yet. Perhaps the real problem is that I've let myself get behind in my self-imposed schedule, which means that instead of being ahead of schedule on everything, I'm just getting by on-time, and I hate that. Leaves me no room for screw-ups. Most of this, I think, is the result of going back on my meds; funny, but most of my friends don't know I've suffered from depression for years. I had gone off my meds about a year ago, but with the swinging hormones of menopause and the stress of school and work, I had to give in and get back on them. Make no mistake - they do a good job...they just make me not give a rat's behind about everything. Thus the edge is taken off and I don't stay at that optimal stress level that pushes me to get everything done early. And they make me sleep, so I don't stay up at night studying as much as I should.

To make my week off really special, I got a call from the Toad last Sunday - he was upset and crying because his hussy broke up with him (again). Then, Wednesday night when he came to pick up my boy, he wanted to talk - 3 hours later he felt better and I needed to puke. Okay, maybe I went above and beyond the call of duty, but the truth is I feel sorry for him. No, not as in take-him-back-sorry. Sorry for him in that he's discovered the hussy is a female version of him - well, he doesn't actually admit that, but it's the truth. And sorry for him because he's just never been out of a relationship, and he doesn't like to be alone. I still wanna puke and take a shower. But I did find out one interesting tidbit....did you know that credit card companies give really big credit cards to dentists? He couldn't help but brag that he has one card with a $20,000 limit and one with $30,000 limit. Good thing, too, I suppose, since he still lives in an apartment and takes his laundry home to his mother's to do.

Alright, I realize this is totally boring, useless drivel, so I'm off for now. Hugs to all,


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