Okay, so I made it through the first semester with 2 A's. Unusual for me - in most everything I do I start out with a bang and then about 2 weeks into it - whatever 'it' is, just pick anything - I start skating; I get bored and start trying to get by with as little effort as possible, which typically yields B results. Turns out, however, that I am now highly competitive. Where did that come from? Anyway, I've spent the break between terms getting ahead on my reading for Spring term. Tonight I log in (class doesn't start until Monday but I wanted to get a sneak peek) and I see this in-class project we have to do for the one weekend the class meets. We have to demonstrate our leadership style (it's a leadership class...duh). Demonstrate our style??? Some of the examples of past projects included a puppet show, teaching the class how to play an instrument, a dance performance. It's up to us, the prof says, as to how we do this - we don't have to be creative, he says. How in sam-hill do you follow those kinds of presentations? A puppet show, for pete's sake? This wouldn't be a problem except that my creativity hits the wall at crayons and a color book. That's my outer limit. I'm doing great if my colors don't clash and I actually finish the picture.
So here I sit with a bag of Hershey's kisses and a glass of diet coke (to cancel out the chocolate calories, of course). Well snap, I've only got 24 days to put something together....what am I gonna do? I'm afraid this is a journey upon which I should not have embarked. Whose bright idea was this, anyway?
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