Okay, I know these bluetooth thingies are all the rage.

And I can understand the convenience of not having to hold the phone to your ear while talking.

But, folks, you just gotta know that it looks really stupid to have that thing hanging out of your ear all the time. I'm going to go ahead and apologize now to any friends who use one (okay, you and I know there's only 3 of you who read this and I know for a fact that 2 of you don't have one). I'm thinking, use it while you're driving, use it if your hands are occupied, use it if you're going to be talking for a long time; stick it in your ear when the phone actually rings. But why have it on when you're just walking around shopping or whatever and you're not even talking on it? Is it really too much trouble to hold the phone for the 2 minutes you're going to be on it? First it was push-button phones, then cordless phones, then cellular phones...now even those are too much trouble?

Okay, back to the books. Thanks, I needed that diversion.


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