Seems like every thought begins with "I am so tired". And I know those few who know me get tired of hearing it, but I really am too tired these days. I have spent all but 2 hours of my day today in front of the computer working on two papers that are due by midnight tonight. I just wrapped them up and submitted them. Yes, I had to skip work. I just can't seem to catch up these days. And there are still bills to be paid, laundry to do, house to bathrooms have begun to grow hair; when they start talking to me, I'm outta here.
I'm not whining, really, because I am blessed to have all those things that need doing. And I know I don't have the market cornered on busy and tired. Today I'm just exhausted to the point that I almost feel sick. And I know that for the next 3+ years my time is not my own. One of my best friends who is in Florida recovering from an exceptionally radical cancer surgery can't understand why I don't call frequently. My pastor and others at church hound me about missing Sunday School or other functions; I try to tell them that after studying all weekend and getting to bed midnight or later on Saturday, I just have to cut something out. I am just one person and if working full-time, teaching a class, going to school full-time, raising a son, taking care of a house and yard (and I use the term taking care of loosely here) as well as other miscellaneous committments don't give me the right to be too tired to jump through hoops sometimes....well then, bite me.
I think about the next few years until classes are completed and the disseration is written and I pray there are no emergencies, no sickness, no catastrophies. Not that I don't pray against those anyway, but I don't know where I'd fit them into my schedule.
Okay, it's nearly 10p.m. and I still have to get a display board ready for a Majors Fair we're sponsoring at work tomorrow. Have I mentioned lately how tired I am?
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