Okay, I...ummm...I filled one out. Yeah, you know, one of those surveys on eHarmony. Okay, I was bored, it was late, and I don't drink anymore - so I had to do *something*.
And I wasn't rejected, so I guess that's good. But I have no intention of actually subscribing or corresponding with a "match". I was just bored. But now it's got me thinking several things.
First, how desperate must one be to utilize a "match" service? Just how big a loser would I be? I mean, if I can't attract a guy in person (and I can't, it seems), why would I want to resort to what seems an awful lot like subversion or trickery?
Second, even if I could resolve in my own mind to do something like this, is it really necessary? I mean, my belief is that if God can create the world, part the Red Sea and keep my from neutering the Toad, isn't He capable of bringing The One into my life, across my path, right up to my door if necessary? I know He can. But does He use eHarmony as His starting point? Surely not.
Firstly - I think you ought to go with it if you find a match, and good onya!
Secondly - it's not neccessary, but then it's also not neccessary to go to school, get a good education, pay for a nice house and a nice car - you can always flip fries and live in a shack...the difference between necessary and desirable is a world apart
Thirdly - if He's an all powerful God, then why /couldn't/ he use e-harmony if that's what He wants to do? Don't close doors that might be opened for ya.
And - GO FOR IT!
That's what life is all about hon, going for it.
Love ya sis,
Anonymous said...
11:41 PM
I think you're an amazing woman. Truth be told I simply don't know any guy that I concider to be 'good enough' for you. So if you can meet on on eharmony or in a chat room or where ever I say go for it. Knowing you as I do I'ld have to say that I do think God has a man for you. I don't know where he is...but he's out there. When the time is right God will bring him around. I know that doesn't keep you from being lonely but that's how it worked for me. I know Swift is a goof at times but God couldn't have picked a better man for me. He made us for each other.
Anonymous said...
12:43 PM