For those of you who haven't had to listen to me sweat bullets all summer, I've just completed a Quantitative Research class. In real-people language that's a statistics class. This is THE class that kept me from returning to school for so many years. I had to take stats twice in undergrad (failed it the first time) and once in graduate school. I hated it, despised it. That was back before Excel and other nifty statistical computer programs were available to mere mortals; back when one had to calculate mile-long formulas by hand, with only the aid of a calculator. Thanks to my brother, I discovered the wonders of Excel in statistical calculations this time around.
So I spent a week working on a 300-point final exam, probably around 24 hours in all; it was the majority of our grade. The reflective part (the paper sans the excel data sheets) was somewhere around 17 pages. I submitted it days early, then continued to read and re-read it; I ended up revising and submitting it 4 times.
I opened my email tonight and there it was: The Graded Final With Feedback. I was almost afraid to open it, but the suspense was killing me. 295 points out of 300. Final grade, 98.5%.
God is good; He is awesome. Without His help and inspiration this would not have been possible.
Psalm 9:1-2:
1 I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonders.
2 I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
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