My dad turns 69 tomorrow. We celebrated yesterday with lunch at a local favorite chinese restaurant.

It's hard to believe my dad is 69 and my mother is not far behind; in my mind they will always be 35 - 40. We've very nearly lost both of them to various health situations in the past few years. But thankfully, they keep fighting the good fight.

I suppose I'm an oddity, but I actually enjoy spending time with my parents. It wasn't always that way, of course, but time has brought us close and they are alot of fun to be with. My dad has always been an admirable kind of man; expecting much and giving more. He has a keen sense of humor - he loves a good laugh - he tells great stories, and he knows how to do stuff. Pictures of my mother as a young woman have always reminded me of Elizabeth Taylor. My mother was beautiful - she still is - and she captured the heart of that red-headed young man in a very short time. They were married after dating only 6 weeks.

I owe much of who I am to this man and this woman, and I am forever greatful. Happy Birthday Daddy.


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