Yes, it's time for the obligatory list of things I'm thankful for which, although certainly not comprehensive, is a good start:
*My salvation.
*My son, who chose to spend Thanksgiving with his "new cousins" this year instead of going to his dad's.
*My family, who will gather here at my home tomorrow to celebrate the holiday.
*Our home; we've made our home in a variety of houses, but this one belongs to us (and the bank, of course!)
*The team of people I work with; we are more than a team, we're family. As a single-parent household, one of the things my son struggles with is that we aren't a "normal" family, and we have that conversation periodically. I always tell him that we make our family from those around us, not just biological relatives. God sends us some really cool people to call our family; some stay for awhile, and some stay even longer.
*Our new a/c! Don't laugh 'til you're going through the big M...then come tell me how you love your air conditioner. This puppy grows icicles on the furniture.
*That my parents tell me they love me almost every time we talk by phone.
*God's gift of wisdom and direction in school; without it, I'd be sunk!
*My support network for real and extended fam that supports and encourages me.
*Laughter. Some of you may remember my over-sized brain and the year I went without being able to laugh because of the pain. I love to's the very best medicine ever! People who make me laugh can win me over quickly.
*I'm very thankful for my friend who's letting her mustache grow *lol*. You know who you are....hang in there girl, you'll have a brass set when this is over.
*Although I'm thankful for both my brothers, of course, I'm especially thankful or the one who makes me laugh until my head pounds and I can't catch my breath.
*Laptops, mine specifically.
*Coffee...chocolate velvet or southern pecan. Mmmmm.
*My cat. She's 16, drools like a dog and sheds even worse. But she loves me.
I suppose I could go on, but the hour is late and I'm quite tired. I am thankful, though, to have recently had my 43rd birthday, and that I'm still around to enjoy it.
Best of wishes this Thanksgiving season
Psalm 118:29
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
Philippians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
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