Ever just want to run away, distancing yourself from life as fast and as far as possible? Go where It - Life - can't find you? I'm there, totally.
Decided to take today off because I couldn't sleep last night, finally dozing off somewhere between 3:30-4:00a.m. Worked the weekend on orientations for new students, then all day Sunday on school stuff. Should have taken some time off in early May to recoup and regenerate, but there are alot of changes going on at work and others taking off so I really needed to hang in there. Really regretting that now, not having my batteries recharged. Anyway, slept till nearly noon, up now with a lap full of journal articles I need to compile into a paper that's due tonight. I'm really, really, ready to be finished with school. Two more semesters after summer...got to hang on.
Then I get a call today - Mom has to have more surgery to repair some exposed bone in her mouth. She's already been through two surgeries in about as many years for oral cancer, the most recent one in the last few months. Then we almost lost her because of some crazy incident with her blood sugar, then the hospital tried to kill her with some bizarre fungal infection in her blood. Haven't gone into it here because I just can't...holding on with a thread as it is; and no one reads this anyway, so why bother. Anyway, now there's some jawbone exposed and they are going to have to go back in and cover it, hopefully as an outpatient. But they went ahead and moved up the CT scan they had scheduled for later in the summer to make sure there's no more cancer. I don't know how much more she can stand. And I know I'm at my limit. This is it. No more.
Oh, and did I mention I accidentally erased a bunch of pictures I took? Yeah, I'm just that smart.
I am so sorry to hear that they have to do more work on your mom. She sounds to me like a very strong woman.
And from what I've heard so are you ;)
I read this, well I do as long as you don't mind.
I shall keep your mom in my prayers as well as the rest of your family.
And just think of all the semesters you've had to go through ;) two is nothing compared to those... you can do it. :)
Anonymous said...
3:28 AM
Thanks so much for your prayers...she is the strongest woman I know, and it's difficult to watch her go through so much and be so helpless to do anything about it. I am, after all, the family fixer *lol*.
And I don't mind at all...
crazybrunette said...
10:15 PM