Mamma Mia!

Oh-oh-oh....I have a new favorite movie! Just got home from seeing Mamma Mia and it was great! I love the way Meryl Streep's character is this woman "of a certain age", a baby boomer, who single handedly raised her daughter, living on this breathtakingly beautiful Greek island, running a charming, historic old inn. Her character is full of life, working hard but yet and still full of life in the way you bite into a full, ripe plum on a warm sunny summer day, juices flowing down your chin and onto your neck and you tilt your head back and laugh. enjoying the sensation.

I loved it so much I went right out and bought the soundtrack. And when the movie hits the shelves, I'll buy it first thing, though I think it's best on the big screen. I may even go see it at the theater again..

Mamma Mia!


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