
I must admit I am blissfully content at the moment, and have been for several days. It's the time of year, I think, that has brought this onslaught of contentment. Fall is my favorite time of year. It signifies a beginning in some ways, I suppose, because within this season of harvest lies my birthday...the day on which I first gazed into the eyes of my parents, first set foot into this world. I have entered my 40th Fall and I am oddly relieved and, dare I utter the word, happy. Make no mistake, it has nothing to do with gifts received, but with the simple fact that I am still alive. Two years ago I came within hours of meeing my Maker; so you see, age is important only in that I've reached another milemarker - not in the number posted on the marker.

At the same time that Fall signifies beginnings, it also brings to mind endings...leaves miraculously changing from green to yellow, red, orange and brown; sweltering heat softening to a nice warm and then crisping with cool, hinting at the bone-chilling cold to come. But parallel to that feeling of endings, or perhaps superimposed over that feeling is the starting-over.... not the same as beginnings, for those are new. But starting over as a second chance, another opportunity. The Falls of my life have marked several endings-&-starting-overs - it was a Fall when I discovered I was pregnant with my Sunshine; I married and divorced in Falls that were 13 years apart. Fall is my promise of a chance renewed, my shot at trying one more time to be the woman I want to be, to be the woman God wants me to be.

My Thanksgiving was one of the better ones with my family - everyone seemed to be at peace and I managed not to step on any toes, I think. Didn't even show my rear-end this year! (And it's an awfully big one to show, let me tell ya!) I am tremendously thankful to Him for my son, my family, my health, home, job, etc....all of the many blessings I have in my life, too numerous to count.


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