The Art of Peace

I have spent an hour - AN HOUR - listening to my 3rd grader and two neighborhood boys argue and negotiate over who gets to pretend to be which character. First they were going to play Sly Cooper - for those of you who aren't familiar with this, it's a video game. Then, after half an hour or so of arguing, after I butted in and offered suggestions and then flipped a coin for them, they still could not agree. So I very diplomatically suggested they play something else upon which they could agree. So it was Star Wars. And now they continue to argue of who's going to be whom and who can get killed. I'm trying my best to stay out of it, to let them learn the art of compromise, to let them develop their own "peace plan". It isn't going well.

This brings me to thoughts of our world, our nation, even our individual workplaces. If the behavior of 8 and 9 year-old boys is any indication of the posturing and bickering, no wonder we don't have world peace; no wonder we have people going hungry and without shelter or employment while people in power fail to make decisions because someone else might appear in a more favorable light.

Peace. Finally, with threats to send everyone home, I've banished them to the yard. If only we could get the mothers of all the presidents, kings, heads of state, corporate CEO's, etc. to band together and send those great rulers out into the backyard or threaten to send them home, could we then achieve peace? Could we end the hunger and homelessness and jobless in our own nation?



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