I was helping my son study for his history test last night - third grade history, where all is new and exciting and the dastardly politicians have yet to taint minds and cloud views. One of the terms he had to learn was surrender. After giving me the definition he said, "and Mom, did you know that when one side surrenders in war the other side can't turn around and shoot 'em?" It struck me as so funny - maybe you had to be there - but the idea that it was this thought that struck him as interesting - that you can't just shoot the losers.

My sweet sunshine wrote me a poem for Valentine's Day:

Someone I Love
She taught me about the dove
She taught me about love
She is like a flower
And always gets in a good rain shower
And she can do it better than any other
Who is it? My Mother!
Okay, so some of you might not see this as a budding poet, but my heart sure sings! I love being a mom!
Talked to a friend of mine tonight...he recently married a woman he loved many years ago. I don't recall why they didn't get together the first go around, but after two other failed marriages he thinks he's finally got it right. I'm happy for him; he deserves the love of a good woman.


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