They let me in, they let me in. The doctoral program. Yeah. Ummm, maybe I shoulda thought about this a little more. Who would've thought they would actually accept me? So naturally, I now doubt the validity of this institution. I mean, for crying out loud - if they accept me they must be hurting for business or a complete and total farce.

I'll be $40,000 in debt when this is all over. At least, that's what they project. I'll be on medicare and social security before I get the loans paid off. But at least the toad won't be the only Dr. ___ when this is over. If I make it through, that is.

I'd like nothing more than to walk across that stage, diploma in hand, and know I've finally made it to my dream goal. I'd like to be able to double my salary so I won't have to worry about supporting us when the child support checks dry up. I'd like to have more money than month, for a change. But mostly I just want to know I could do it, and I want my son and my parents to be proud of me. Right now my son isn't at all crazy about the idea of me going back to school, afraid I won't have time for him. But I've got to do this, or at least give it my best shot. I've explained it to him, and he's okay for now, but I know he still worries a bit.

Whoever said you can do it all obviously wasn't and didn't have to.


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