Okay, it's time for an update. I have just now - literally within the last hour - completed my final project for my first class towards my doctorate. Yay!! So far I have an "A" in the class, but putting together this last project fuzzed my brain. So I'm not sure if I'll still have an "A" when all is said and done. I'll submit this project by Tuesday and hopefully have my final grade by the end of the week.
For those of you just joining me, I've gone back to school. Can you believe it? I'm working on my Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Higher Ed. About half of the program is online and the other half a combination of in residence and online. My first class was Advanced Academic Writing and was intensive - 7.5 weeks. It turns out I like the 7.5 week classes - I think I have a short attention span. By the end of week 5 I'm ready to move on to something else. And it keeps me from procrastinating. But it does make for long nights - I get most of my work done at night from 10pm to around midnight. My next class is Human Resource Mgmt; it starts next week. I was up last night or rather this morning until after 2:00 a.m. working on my final project for the first course and starting some stuff on the next one. So I'm pooped! Need an energy boost, though, because I'm going out with friends to see a movie later - I think it's called One Night with the King.
My kiddo is doing great; he's gone with the Toad this weekend, so the house is quiet. He is so into Star Wars - can you believe it? So it's constant sound effects of light sabers and R2D2 around here. This is last year's school picture, for those interested....
Okay, I'll post more a little later - got lots to do.
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