I watch couples in the cafe. Mostly middle-to-old aged. They aren't pretty people, like the young ones. Sometimes they're plump, many times bald, dressed casually. And I wonder how it is that they are together. Have they been together forever? Does he love her? Does he cheat on her? When he looks in her eyes does he still see the beauty who first turned his head, took his breath away, made his heart skip a beat? Does he look past the wrinkles, the thickening waistline, the sagging breasts to see the love of his life? Does she love him? Can she still see the dashing young man who made her heart sing? Do they talk - really talk to each other, or just at each other? Do they laugh, play, cry together? Do they make love with wild abandon or the sweet comfort of soulmates, or is it just routine? Are they still in love after all these years, or are they just convenient, a habit, too deep in debt and too many children to risk divorce?


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