One more complete

Ahh....just submitted my last assignment for my last Spring course....thank goodness. Of the two classes I took this term, Leadership was my favorite - I fell in love with the book and the whole concept of leadership. The second course dealt with Change, and while a bit of it was interesting, I must confess I'm glad to be done with was just a tad boring.

And tomorrow I give a take-home final to the class I'm teaching and we're done for two weeks - until the 30th.

My next classes (mine, not teaching - I don't teach again until Spring) starts early May, somewhere around the 7th. I'm nervous about my summer classes 'cause one of them is a research class (the first of several) and that's my weakest point. I really need to start doing some hard and heavy research for my dissertation so I won't be so far behind when the time comes to start that. I have 2 more years of classes after Summer, but I'd love to be able to jump right in on the proposal and writing at the end of that time. Hopefully get the dissertation done in a year.

Some days I'm not sure what I'm doing. I mean, I know for sure that God brought me to the point of going back to school; I have no doubt it was His plan. It's just that I'm not sure why. It's difficult to wait on His timing sometimes.

Ok, I'm tired and my brain is fried. I'm off to bed so I can get up and start all over again tomorrow. And for my friend who's going through a tough time right now, know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers. And remember, you can call me even at 3am.

Love and blessings to all,


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