My not-so-little boy turns 10 this weekend. We celebrated - low key - last weekend with just family. He doesn't think it's a celebration without the fam. He loves family, craves family. I noticed he hugged my oldest brother good-bye for the first time ever, I think. He admitted once that he's a little afraid of him because my brother never has anything to do with him. Frankly I don't know if he's ever even spoken more than two or three words to him. It's difficult to have a relationship with someone when you only see them 2 or 3 times per year. My youngest brother and his wife are another story, though - my boy is at home when he's with them.
Anyway, I was remembering when my sunshine was just a baby, how cute and cuddly he was, how he loved for mama to rock him and sing to him, how we spent hours reading his favorite books. And if I've recited The Gingerbread Man and Three Billy Goats Gruff and Little Red Riding Hood one time, I've recited them a thousand times. The mornings on the way to school with him in the backseat and me singing songs and telling stories. Dancing in the kitchen, holding him in my arms. Marching around the den listening to the elephant song from The Jungle Book soundtrack until he fell asleep. Time really does fly when you're having fun.
Now my sunshine is nearly as tall as I, still with gorgeous eyes and a winning smile. He has a great sense of humor, like my brother and my dad...he loves to laugh. We constantly try to sneak up on each other at home to try and scare the other; he has finally learned to walk softly and creep up on me. And he laughs. He has my mother's artistic bent, and I hope he will have my brother's musical ability.
Just the other day he told me he'll always be my baby, no matter how old he is. He'll always be my sunshine, lighting my days and filling my heart with joy.
Happy Birthday, Sunshine, from Mama with all my love.
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