Okay, Whine Alert.....I'm going to have a small pity-party, so if you're not inclined to listen, now would be a good time to click on.
I started my next course on Monday - Quantitative Statistics (ooh, yuck!). The worst part is that I still have 2 weeks (3 counting this current one) left on my other class. So far this week I have read 9 chapters in 3 different books and submitted 5 assignments; I still have 4 more to submit by midnight tomorrow night. So somewhere in and around today's agenda of working orientation and shopping for Father's Day, I simply must make a significant dent in all of this. And tomorrow I have to work the nursery at church and then off to spend the afternoon with my family for Father's day. And lest you ponder 'what has the old girl been doing all week', I have been diligently working on the reading all week. Every night. Well, except for Wednesday because I kept falling asleep while reading.
So I'm feeling alot pressured and a little sorry for myself today. Or maybe just that all of this is futile. I would so much rather be working in my yard or painting my son's room or tackling any of the multitude of projects waiting in the wings. Or spending time with my kiddo when he's home, doing something fun and relaxing. I know I'll feel quite accomplished when this is degree is finished, but I certainly am struggling with all of life I'm missing out on now.
And just for the curious, I did not follow through on the matchmaking thing. I just can't get past the loser and psycho fear. Besides, who has time for a relationship?
Okay, enough whine. Time to dig into the day.
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