So I'm off to Sarasota for class tomorrow, and return home on Sunday. I'm looking forward to the drive, listening to audio books. I have my routine - stop about half-way there at Dunkin' D's to get coffee and a muffin. Stay at the same hotel where I always stay - I'm very much a creature of habit. Visit the local Goodwill there, and the outlet mall - I love the Lane Bryant outlet and the Liz Claiborne shoe outlet. By Sunday I'll be ready to head home. Just wish Boy Wonder was going with me.

So, this week and last the students in the class I teach have been giving group presentations. They all had a copy of the dates of their presentations, and although we were off by a day or so because of a recent terroristic-type threat that resulted in canceled classes, one would assume that the students knew that, if they were supposed to present on Tuesday and classes canceled on Tuesday, that they should be ready to present at the next class meeting.

So one guy misses his group presentation. Just doesn't show. I'm prepared to give him an "F". Then he shows up at the next class, says he didn't realize they were presenting, and that he missed class because....okay, get ready...

his girlfriend's cat had to be put to sleep and she was really upset and crying.



Can you say the future of our nation is in the toilet?


Actually I myself have been so upset by the death of a kitten that I called your brother up sobbing so bad that he couldn't understand what I was saying and raced home like a madman because he thought one of the kids had been hurt or something. Granted the dog snapped the little kitten's neck by accident and it twitched and died in my hands while I quietly sobbed so the kids wouldn't hear me and walk in.

7:43 PM  

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