
(in sing-song voice)......I'm finished with my Christmas shopping!!! Finished....finito....all dun now, ya heah? Gift buying is an emotionally draining experience for me - I agonize over every possible choice, finally choose a gift, then spend the remaining time until it is opened and appropriately ahhed over second guessing myself. So.....the buying is done...I can now move on to the second guessing.

I pity those individuals who must work in retail services during the holidays. I've done my fair share back in my college days and it was not a pretty picture. I know how mean and nasty Christmas shoppers can be. And my dear baby brother makes me wet my pants laughing over his escapades in retail. But today I saw stupidity in action. And in the grocery store of all places.

Here I am, standing in line with only one item - coffee creamer, actually - and I hear this woman one lane over saying "now I don't want everything put together....I have a special way I want these combined (bagged)....this and this can go together.....and these can go together but I want this by itself..." She was actually putting items one at a time in tiny little groups and directing the cashier as to how to bag each and every one. Puleeze. He couldn't even look her in the eye. My cashier finally caught on to what I was listening to and just rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh out loud as we left the store. Now me, on the other hand, I just thank my lucky stars if the cashier is pleasant. I'm not about to tell her how to bag each and every item.

My snuggle bunny is singing in the Christmas cantata at church Sunday night. We have a great choir....wish I could sing. At any rate, I invited his dad (the toad) to come since my parents won't be there (they still won't attend events if the toad is there...after 4 years). He said he'll try to make it. I don't want him there, obviously, but I'm doing it for my kiddo. I'm wondering now if he'll bring her. If so, it will take every bone in my body not to introduce her as "the whore he was having an affair with". Somehow I don't think my preacher would appreciate that. But it would certainly leave me all warm and fuzzy.


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